Visit from Focus Central America Foundation: Strengthening our Commitment to La Esperanza Granada

We were honored to welcome Jayson Mena, the Program Officer from Focus Central America Foundation, to our organization. During his visit, we had the opportunity to showcase our academic reinforcement centers in La Esperanza, Granada, and reaffirm our shared commitment to building safe and productive communities.

Focus Central America Foundation is known for its efforts in financing, supporting, and constructing resilient communities throughout Central America. Their visit to our organization was a testament to their dedication to our shared mission.

Accompanied by Jayson Mena, we toured all the academic reinforcement centers, providing him with a firsthand look at the impact of our programs. It was an invaluable opportunity to showcase the transformative work we are doing in La Esperanza Granada and the positive changes we are making to the lives of children and their families.

The visit served to strengthen our partnership and collaboration with Focus Central America Foundation. Their support and belief in our mission inspire us to continue our efforts in providing quality education and creating a better future for the children of La Esperanza Granada.

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